
Arias, M. (2019). Neurology of ecstatic religious and similar experiences: Ecstatic, orgasmic, and musicogenic seizures. Stendhal syndrome and autoscopic phenomena. Neurologia, 34(1), 55–61.

Carpenter, M. B., & Sutin, J. (1983). Human neuroanatomy. Williams & Wilkins.

Fedorenko, E., & Blank, I. (2020). Broca’s area is not a natural kind. Trends in Cognitive Science, 23(4), 270–284.

Goldberg, S. (2022). Clinical neuroanatomy: Made ridiculously simple. MedMaster, Inc.

Kandel, E. R., Koester, J. D., Mack, S. H., & Siegelbaum, S.A. (2021). Principles of neural science. McGraw Hill.

Mai, J. K., & Paxinos, G. (Eds.). (2012). The human nervous system. Elsevier.

Society for Neuroscience (2018). Brain facts: A primer on the brain and nervous system. USA Society for Neuroscience.

Vanderah, T. W., & Gould, D. J. (2020). Nolte's the human brain. Elsevier.

Recommended reading for new students

Goldberg's Clinical neuroanatomy: Made ridiculously simple is a superb book outlining neuroanatomy in a simple, memorable manner. However, its principal attribute is triaging of information so that only clinically relevant facts are retained. Consequently, this short book has a strong clinical focus.

Vanderah and Gould's Nolte's the human brain, an interesting and comprehensive approach, well suited to students wishing to explore the human nervous system in more depth.